Newsletter: Overview

The Bring Back Kirk Newsletter is a direct method created to ensure all those interested in the efforts will receive updated news, information, and results on our efforts to Bring Back Kirk!

All new members of the Bring Back Kirk effort are very much encouraged to sign up to get this newsletter! By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive all updates concerning the Bring Back Kirk effort, thus helping us to determine who is with us in the ongoing effort to give Kirk the ending he deserves! Rather than the shameful way his leave was handed by The Powers That Be.

The Bring Back Kirk Newsletter (BBKN) is a bi-weekly e-mail publication published on Monday, every two weeks and is delivered in your mailbox. Not only will the newsletter inform all whom subscribe the status of our efforts, but it will also include information on how to become involved, how to obtain the newest promotional materials, mail the newest people, as well as offer you reader's thoughts on Kirk and our efforts.

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe today!

If you wish to read past BBK Newsletters, check out the Archive!

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